Bike Services

Select the services you need by checking the boxes below. The total price will update automatically. This is a self-quotation tool that allows you to compare prices with the packages we offer. In the end, please fill out the form below the page and send us your request. Our team will contact you after reviewing it.

Bike Services |

Price List

General Services

Brake System



Total Price: £0.00

Bike Services Packages

Basic Tune-up Package: £45

Includes gear tuning, brake adjustment, bolt torquing, and general lubrication.

Comprehensive Service Package: £60

Includes all services in the Basic Tune-up Package plus Puncture repair, or inner tube replacement, and tyre replacement.

Full Overhaul Package: £90

Includes all services offered in the Comprehensive Service Package plus bike pickup and drop-off, and bike wash.

Please fill out the form below and send us your request. Our team will contact you after reviewing it.